

Life Drawing in the Orchard – June 3

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Sat June 3, 2017

Life Drawing in the Orchard

**Please check the website on June 2 where a message will be posted if we need to postpone due to weather,  in which case the June 3rd session will be held back at the Rotary Centre for the Arts.**

On June 3rd we will be holding our Saturday morning drawing session outside at Blair Dunlop’s Orchard in Lake Country.  We will start as usual at 10am and wine & cheese will be available after the session. Some chairs and tables will be available but if you have a folding outdoor chair please bring it along with whatever you need for drawing outside.

The orchard is on the east side of Wood Lake about a 45 min. drive from downtown Kelowna.  Please refer to the map attached here.

Duo-Model Drawing Session & AGM – May 13

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Sat May 13, 2017

Duo-Models Drawing Session

10:00am – 12:30pm in the drawing room at the RCA
$10 for members, $15 for non-members
**Seats are limited, arrive a few minutes early if you want to guarantee a seat!**

A well-known experienced modelling couple will be posing again for this special life drawing session! The poses will be longer so that the artists have more time to navigate the fun challenge of two-model poses.

Contact Us for more information. Hope to see you there!


Livessence AGM

Livessence’s Annual General Meeting.

1pm in the drawing room at the RCA after the drawing session. Please Contact Us for more information.

Livessence Ten Year Anniversary

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(Apologies if you get this more than once, it is going out to the membership for the past few years) Hi to all, Just a small reminder the AGM is coming up for Livessence and it is our 10th year! The AGM is May 30 at the RCA.

This is also my last year as Director for the organization but I will remain a member and hope to have time to come back to the drawing sessions. If you are interested in training the life drawing models, or booking them for dates, please get in contact with me at this email address. We will also be looking for someone to take care of the website.

There’s a terrific team in place with Tina and Jaine and Sharon, so think about coming on board. It is very gratifying to see the group continue, and we have lots of room to grow. Thank you very much for making the drawing group a rewarding experience for me, and I hope you have had fun along the way too. Hope to see you on May 30. Julia Trops

Website, Sessions and Exhibitions

By | Exhibitions, Meetings, Members, Sessions | No Comments
Hi to all, just a small reminder that you can keep up to date with sessions, meeting and exhibitions with the Livessence website.

This Saturday, May 3, there will be no drawing.  Next drawing session is May 10.

All members are also welcome to send three photos of their work to be included on the website.  For those of you who already have websites, this is a perfect opportunity for an inbound relative link, which helps your site out a great deal.

The AGM is coming up on May 17, if you are attending, please RSVP ASAP but by May 10 for sure, so that we can have a nice lunch available for you as a returning member.

If you would like to stay involved and support the group, consider joining as a member to keep your toe in the water. We would love to see you back at the sessions and in the exhibitions.

All the best, Julia