Livessence Experiential Anatomy Workshop

By August 29, 2013Uncategorized

Hi Everyone We have planned a new and exciting workshop for this fall. As artists who have more than a passing interest in life drawing and painting anything that will help us to hone our skills is a plus. However, it’s one thing to simply observe the model and record what we see and something completely different to be able engage with the model so that we have a felt sense of his/her patterns of holding, moving, breathing and balancing. We might also ask ourselves, what impact our own body awareness will have on our ability to transfer what we see in the model to our mark making? As a functional movement specialist (that’s my day job) I have the opportunity to observe people and how they move on a daily basis and I’m also down on the floor myself learning to sense my own body and how it moves and feels. This has had a tremendous impact on my ability to connect with the model as I draw. It’s been my dream to share what I’ve learned about experiential anatomy with my fellow artists and it’s finally going to happen this fall. I have included an information sheet about the workshop and the registration form. The closing date for registration is August 15th and registration is limited to 13 so if you intend to take the workshop please register early. We are also holding two additional places for models that would like to take the workshop as part of their training. If you have any questions please contact me at Cheers, Sandra pdf icon NEW-Experiential-Anatomy-Workshop-Registration-Form.PDF
pdf icon NEW-Information-Sheet-for-Experiential-Anatomy-Workshop.PDF

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