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Call to Artists for Livessence Society

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Submission of works for Art Walk Jury Process (Theme: Shoes: A Step Further) Pictures Taken of Art Work for Art Walk: Sat. April 26 prior to Drawing Session Please Note; Art Walk, Sept. 6 – 7, 2014 continues to be a juried show. You must submit 3 pieces of work (does not need to be the pieces you are submitting for the show) to have pictures taken. The pieces submitted may not have been in any previous Art Walks. Jaine will set up her camera on April 26. If you cannot be at the drawing session please have someone bring your pieces for the photo shots. Our group submission has to be sent into the juried committee by June 1. For each piece please include your Name, Medium, Size, Name of Works and Value If you have any questions regarding Art Walk please email or Happy Painting Jaine Buse Secretary

Dates tp mark in your Calendars!!

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Good morning fellow artists: You will be getting a number of emails from me this morning to advice you of dates you need to know. 1. Art Walk: Pictures taken of art work and Bios required for submission to Art Walk 2014: Sat. April 26, 9 – 10 a.m. RCA. prior Drawing Session 2. Art Hallway Changeover: Sat. April 26 RCA 9 – 9:30 a.m. (bring 1 small piece as our wall space is limited) 3. Annual General Meeting: May 17, 12:30 at RCA Board Room, lunch provided for members 4. ART WALK Lake Country: (when we get juried in) Sept. 6 – 7 Thank you for your continued support Jaine Buse Secretary

Drawing sessions

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Hi to all, just an update for you!

We have a wonderful new model Alexa who will be joining us over the next little while. When you come to a session, please say welcome to her, she has quite the presence. The drawing session went well yesterday, Michelle and Rand you already know and have worked with. They have completed the training and I thank all the artists who came out yesterday to help make this so. As a few of these artists are also regulars, we had a brief chat about how the drawing sessions were going. Because the Saturday mornings are/were designed to be conflict free, I have made a few changes to the drawing room set up including what was suggested by the regulars.

The drawing room is back to the original set up, with the model in the centre, and the tables around. This facilitates movement about the room, and also maximizes the model poses. If you do not like a model’s presentation, you are welcome to move to a space that you like better. The drawing sessions are there to encourage you, challenge you, and help you work on your technique, materials, etc. Consider that if you don’t like something as a challenge to move out of your comfort zone.

Please do not make any changes to this drawing room set up. The lights on the ceiling are being adjusted to work with where the platform and the tables are. I recognize that the lights have always been a contentious problem, but we do the best we can. If you find you do not have enough light on your paper, then you are welcome to bring your own table lamp and extension cord.

The doors in the drawing room have a set routine to them. Once the drawing session has started, the main door (by the dance studio) MUST NOT BE OPENED for anyone for any reason. If you hear a knock on that door, then go to the late door, which should be propped open on the brass tongue, and go see who it is. That main door may be opened during break when the model is draped once again.

If you want to know what is happening for the drawing session, it will be listed on the calendar. I had two people show up yesterday who either didn’t read their email, and/or didn’t look at the calendar. If the model will be draped, or in costume or such or there is a special session, it will be listed there.

It has come to my attention that once again there is very low attendance for Long Pose. I am sorry but we can not continue to hold long poses for two or three people. The minimum attendance for Long Pose is seven people (room and model raises), and unless we have the seven people, then the Long Pose only session will be removed. I understand that there are models you would like to work from during these sessions. Please send me a list, and if one of these models are available, then I will book them. If none of these models are available then should I make the session Short Poses? I would appreciate some feedback on this.

It has also come to my attention that models are suggesting that a session be cancelled if only two or three people show up. Please note that this is not the model’s call. This is the Host’s call. The model still needs to be paid, and the room also needs to be paid. Keep that in mind.

The AGM will be coming up in April. Please think of things for discussion for this meeting, it is where you as members get to have the say in what happens for the year. Please send suggestions to the agenda back to this address. Once the Executive has determined the date, it will be posted through email, on the website and in the calendar.

All the best, Julia

Art Pickup from the RCA for Dance & Movement

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Hi gang…
Hope all is well with everybody… We have decided that Saturday february 1 is pick up your art work from the RAC dance and movement show. Time between 9:30 to 1:00 next group are hanging the same day at 2 o’clock … If you can not pick your art up that day you will have to arrange for someone else to pick up it up for you… We can not be responsible for any works left behind. Thanks gang …
Sam W

Model Training

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Hi to all, just a short note to let you know I will be conducting Model Training on Saturday Feb 1 from 930 to 1330 hrs. I will be finishing training four models. Each model will be in the studio for about an hour. I am hoping for a max of five artists to come for the entire duration, or part of, to help finalize the training. Your task will be to draw, and potentially to give feedback during the five to ten minute discussion time at the end of the model’s hour. Model poses will be mostly short, from gestures to a max of five minutes. This will be a closed session. If you are interested please do reply with the times you would be interested. You can come for one hour, two, three or all four hours. The first five members to respond will be given priority. Thank you, Julia

Dance & Movement Show

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Hi Members Our show at RCA is up, looks grand …….. many thanks to* Sam* and* Ralf*for putting it together although they have busy work schedules, well done guys. Thanks to all the volunteers who assisted in hanging the works today. All are encouraged to attend, with your guests…… *Reception, sat dec 7, 1 – 3 pm.* Feel free to bring along your biz cards (or other promo material) as we will have a table for saturday. cheers Tina

Dance and Movement – Exhibition at the RCA Dec 4 – 30

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The exhibition Dance and Movement is on at the RCA now until December 30.  The reception will be Saturday December 7th, 1-3 pm and many of the artists and members will be in attendance.  Works are for sale, and may be purchased through the RCA front desk.  If you love dance and you love movement and music, this is the show for you!  Many of the works are done from life, and all are based on the beautiful lines and grace of the human form.

Members, you can pick up works on December 30 from 10 to 6 pm.