Hi Fellow Artists a friendly reminder for our AGM on staurday 25 June, 1230-2:30, right after the drawing session in the same studio. Memberships are due, $ 35 for the year. Please make sure you are there as we will have the new Board members taking their positions. Everyone’s input is important for Livessence to move forward and look at the year ahead with success. Happy drawing and painting, cheers Tina
Happy Spring Members *Please note AGM date is set for 25 June, 1230 – 2:30 pm in the Drawing & Painting Studio at RCA, right after the drawing session.* *It is important to attend as we need to decide if Livessence continues to exists as a society or is reduced to a Drawing Group.* – Please bring along annual Membership fee $ 35. – During the course of AGM elections will be held for Board Members. 3 volunteers Board members are stepping down, hence posts of* Presiden*t, *Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer *are available for grabs. – Other areas that need your assistance would be Membership, Artwalk, Publicity and Press etc. – Joan Bolen and Ken Erickson are doing an excellent job with Drawing sessions and models. Ralf and Arica are looking after the Hallway display. If any other departments that you think are missing, please feel free to add to the list of posts up for elections. *Please dont forget it is your Society and we all need to join hands to keep it running.* *See you all on 25 June* Happy Creating
Happy Spring Members *Please note AGM date is set for 25 June, 1230 – 2:30 pm in the Drawing & Painting Studio at RCA, right after the drawing session.* *It is important to attend as we need to decide if Livessence continues to exists as a society or is reduced to a Drawing Group.* – Please bring along annual Membership fee $ 35. – During the course of AGM elections will be held for Board Members. 3 volunteers Board members are stepping down, hence posts of* Presiden*t, *Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer *are available for grabs. – Other areas that need your assistance would be Membership, Artwalk, Publicity and Press etc. – Joan Bolen and Ken Erickson are doing an excellent job with Drawing sessions and models. Ralf and Arica are looking after the Hallway display. If any other departments that you think are missing, please feel free to add to the list of posts up for elections. *Please dont forget it is your Society and we all need to join hands to keep it running.* *See you all on 25 May* Happy Creating
*Subject:* CALL TO ARTISTS: Solo Galleria Exhibition April 2016 CALL TO ARTISTS: Galleria Exhibition April 2016 Dear Artists, We are currently looking for an artist to put on a solo exhibition in our Galleria exhibition space at the Rotary Centre for the Arts for the month of April. The Galleria is approximately 12 x 100 feet. It is perfectly suited to show large or medium sized 2-dimensional work such as painting, printmaking or photography. Work must be wired on the back and ready to hang. There are no submission guidelines for this exhibition except that there should be some consistency to the work shown. If you know an artist who would like to show with you and whose work compliments yours we will also consider doing a duo show. This is a last minute call as we had a last minute cancellation! The exhibition will run for the month of April. Artists who have had solo exhibitions in the building recently will not be considered at this time. Please e-mail info@rotarycentreforthearts.com for more information. Very Best Regards, Shannon Lester Gallery Coordinator Rotary Centre for the Arts 421 Cawston Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 6Z1 Phone: 250-717-5304 Fax: 250-717-5314 www.RotaryCentrefortheArts.com
*From:* Bear Valley Highlands Art Workshops <info@bearvalleyhighlands.com> *Sent:* Friday, February 19, 2016 8:43 PM *Subject:* Paint. Experience. Relax. 2016 Art Workshops at Bear Valley Highlands
Reminder to members to switch their works in the RCA Hallway on sat 30 Jan. Please replace your current works with new ones, needless to say they should be wired and labeled on the back with title, name of artist and price, if for sale. Kindly do the switch before the drawing session at 10 am. *Members who have their works in the Boardroom at RCA must remove all works on 30 Jan as the next artist will start his display. Any work that is not collected will be discarded.*
Happy 2016 Members Works on display in RCA Boardroom need to be taken down on *sat 30 Jan*. The next artist will hang his works on sunday 31 Jan. RCA and Livessence will not be responsible for works not picked up. 2016 Life Drawing session starts on sat 16 Jan, *10 am -1230 pm, *dont forget to check the calender for the line up of exciting models and drawing dates. Happy drawing & creating
Wishing all members a fabulous Holiday Season and a grand 2016. Tomorrow, dec 12 is our last drawing session, 1030 – 1 pm. Please note we resume Life Drawing at RCA Jan 16, time changed to 1000 am – 1230. Check out the website, refreshed by Ken along with booking numerous new models. Thanks to all the Board members and volunteers who have made it possible for us to have another successful year. Happy drawing and good health
Please bring you undraped or draped art for the change over On Saturday December 5th between 10:00 and 10:30. Depending on Size of art we have room for 8 to 12 pieces. First come – first served. Cheers Ralf Ps. The display of art installed today was well received by the RCA Management. Thank you to the artists involved. Ralf Sent from my iPhone
Last, very friendly reminder Members Boardroom at RCA is booked for our show for 2 months (Dec 2015 – Jan 2016). Keeping with Livessence mandate, works need to be figures, draped. *No nudes*(request of RCA as it is the Boardroom) Show coordinator Ralf Rohrlack <greystokedesign@hotmail.com> is the person to contact for any further info. – email Ralf if you are planning to show works – drop off Dec 1, tuesday, between 8 am and 9 am, *no exceptions* as the display has to go up before the Boardroom event later same morning – all members planning to show works must have membership with RCA(KVPACS), it is $ 10 for a year – RCA will take 10% commission on sale of paintings/sketches – All works must be wired and ready for hanging – All art needs to be labelled on the back:Title, medium, size, Artist’s name & contact info and price of artwork
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