

Dance and Movement – Exhibition at the RCA Dec 4 – 30

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The exhibition Dance and Movement is on at the RCA now until December 30.  The reception will be Saturday December 7th, 1-3 pm and many of the artists and members will be in attendance.  Works are for sale, and may be purchased through the RCA front desk.  If you love dance and you love movement and music, this is the show for you!  Many of the works are done from life, and all are based on the beautiful lines and grace of the human form.

Members, you can pick up works on December 30 from 10 to 6 pm.

Important info, Livessence Show “Dance & Movement” @ RCA

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Hi Members Just a quick reminder ……. Drop off ….. Tuesday, dec 3, 1130 – 4:30 at RCA Galleria. All entries must be wired on the back ready for hanging…canvas work needs to be finished on the edges and framing for drawings. All works must have all the same info on the back of work that you have sent Sam. We will make the labels for the front of each piece. Remember all works have to be signed in when dropped off and signed out when picked up… We are not responsible for your work if you don’t pick it up on the closing date. Please attend and pass the word around *”Dance & Movement”* Works by members of Livessence at RCA Galleria. *Reception : *Saturday, dec 7, 1 – 3 pm Artists in attendance Refreshments will be served.

Call to Member Artists of Livessence Society

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Hello Members of Livessence. We are having a show for the month of December at the RCA. Our theme is all about beauty and dynamics of dance…so any works from the Nov. 9 session are welcome or anything else you decide to create to do with dance.

We have decided that we will feature each artist individually in a grouping of their own work. So you will all have your own little show in a show. Each members group of work will have their name put on a label or sign to identify their entries of work.

The fee is $10 for as many piece as you wish to enter…… Deadline for submissions is Nov 28, 2013 Please send your info of… your name, size of work, medium used and name of paintings or drawings as well as price.to…. samwindsor@shaw.ca. Here is a fillable form that would make things really easy for drop off and hanging. Labels fillable form

All entries must be wired on the back ready for hanging…canvas work needs to be finished on the edges and framing for drawings. All works must have all the same info on the back of work that you will send me. We will make the labels for the front of each piece.

Please drop your work off on Tuesday, December 3rd from 11:30 to 4:30 at the main galleria at the RCA. Remember all works have to be signed in when dropped off and signed out when picked up…

We are not responsible for your work if you don’t pick it up on the closing date. We have December in the galleria so good time for sales.

Thanks members for your participation this will be a fun show…………..Sam Windsor

Saturday November 9 – Drawing

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Hi to all the members!

Saturday November 9th, Livessence has booked the Painting and Drawing room all day, 930 to 5 pm for the benefit of its members. Cost for the day is the same $10. Drop in is $15.

Did you know we have a Christmas show coming up in the RCA Galleria, based on Dance? Show title and all the juicy details will be coming soon. Ralf, please call home.

We have Donnalee booked for the morning session, and she will be in gorgeous belly dance outfits in order for you to take advantage of creating work from the live model for the show in the Galleria in December. The afternoon can be reserved for working if you wish, or if enough people request it, I can ask Donnalee to stay or arrange another model dancer.

That Saturday also happens to be the Saturday of the For the Love of Art Almighty, the Christmas show at the RCA. This show is always well attended, and all members are encouraged to come out to the painting and drawing room to work – the curtains will be open, so we will be on display.

Perhaps a few members can work out in the hallway as well to activate that space. You are welcome to bring a smaller piece or two priced to sell, and who knows, you might get lucky! If you don’t put it out there, you won’t know, right? Bring an easel or two as well, to display, as hallway space for hanging is at a premium and any extra will not be available.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Incidentally, the new webpage is up and live, and I’d be happy to create a member page publish some images for those members who do not yet have a member page. Send them along to this email! All the best, Julia

Livessence webpage

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Hi to all, the Livessence webpage has been updated. If you would like to have your own member artist page on the site, please send three images and a biography back, and I will make it so. Those who have submitted pics for artwalk will have pages already with three images – I just need the biography. The website is a blog, so you are welcome to write an article and send to this address as an email and it will get posted up. Yes, you can include pics with your blog entry. Any questions, please send me a note back! You are free to create a user id and interact on the site as well. All the best, Julia

Artwalk – Come draw with us!

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Artwalk offers the opportunity for you to come and talk to the Livessence artists and the models who work with the artists.  We present three drawing sessions on each Saturday and Sunday, and all are welcome to come out and try their hand at figure drawing.  Our booth is in the Large Gym, and the drawing sessions will take place in the Atrium near the stairs.  There is no cost for you to join in.

The models for Artwalk are:

11-12 Angel J
1-2 Linda
3-4 Rand Z

11-12 Angel J
1-2 Michelle S
3-4 Rand Z

Art Walk Sept. 7 – 8, 2013

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Great News I just found out we have been juried in so get your paintings ready for August 16 when I need to have the titles, medium, size and price!!!! Our size of venue for now has been limited to 200 Square Feet this year so we can take no more than 3 paintings per person at this time. If we find out we have more space that will change. Anyone in the group can show, not just the 10 people who submitted works for jury. I will send out full details of what is required in the next week. Jaine Buse Chairperson for Art Walk Livessence