

Minutes of AGM, Sat. June 8, 2013

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Meeting Called to Order at 12:52

President Remarks:
Committee Reports:

1. Drawing Session and Models:
Moved by Brian P. and 2nd by Joan B. to increase Non Member drop in fees to $15
Motion carried

Julia to meet with Patrick at RCA to see if our rent can be decreased
Brian to get commitment of 6 members for drawing sessions to pay $40 upfront
for months of July and August.

One Saturday in November will be used as non model time for people to come into the drawing room and socialize and work on projects of interest

2. Membership:
18 members rejoined today

3. Art Walk
Sept. 8 and 9, just waiting to hear if we are juried in
Full information will come out in July

4. Hallway Change Over
Next date is Sept. 21 and then Dec., Mar, and June
Please note than no one moves around other peoples work except the committee chairperson. You will be notified by email the dates of the hanging and if you cannot be there someone else may bring your work to be hung or your piece can stay up until the next switch over.

Financial Report: Sharon Fitch has taken over the Job

Nominations for 2013 – 2014 Executive:

President: Tina Sidiquii
Vice President’Website/Model: Julia Trops
Secretary/Membership: Jaine Buse
Treasurer: Sharon Fitch

Appointment of Committee Chairpersons:

Member at Large: Tina Schnellert and Sandra Windsor
Hallway Change Over: Sharon Fitch and Joan Bolen
Grid Rental: Jaine Buse
Hosts for Drawing: Brian Pederson, Joan Bolen,
Marketing/Promotions/Exhibitions: Ralf Rohrlack, Sandra Windsor
Art Walk: Jaine Buse

Old Business:

New Business:

Moved by Julia

Seconded by Brian

Motioned carried:


Resolution # 1

The following change is proposed:

Be it resolved that the following clause be added to the Bylaws of the Society as of June 8th, 2013 under a new part, Part 13 – Indemnification, as Section 63, 64, 65 and 66:

“Part 13 – Indemnification

63. The Society shall, to the extent legally permissible, indemnify each person who may serve or who has served at any time as an officer, director, or employee of the Society (the “Indemnified Party”) against all expenses and liabilities, including, without limitation, counsel fees, judgments, fines, excise taxes, penalties and settlement payments, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such person in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding in which he or she may become involved by reason of his or her service in such capacity if:

• the Indemnified Party acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Society; and

• in the case of a criminal or administrative action or proceeding that is enforced by a monetary penalty, the Indemnified Party had reasonable grounds for believing that the Indemnified Party’s conduct was lawful.

64. The determination of any action or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction or otherwise shall not, in and of itself, create a presumption that the Indemnified Party did not act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Society or that the Indemnified Party did not exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person or, with respect to any criminal or administrative action or proceeding, that the Indemnified Party did not have reasonable grounds to believe that the Indemnified Party’s conduct was lawful.

65. The indemnification provided hereunder shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of persons entitled to indemnification hereunder. The right of indemnification under this Part 13 shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which any person may be entitled.

66. This Part 13 constitutes a contract between the Society and the Indemnified Party. No amendment or repeal of the provisions of this Section which adversely affects the right of an Indemnified Party under this Section shall apply to such person with respect to those acts or omissions which occurred at any time prior to such amendment or repeal.”

Meeting Closed: 2:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jaine Buse

Getting Ready to be Juried for ART WALK 2013

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I sent out an email a couple of weeks ago to let you know about Art Walk 2013. Art Walk 2013 will have some changes. We will need to be “juried” and apply to be included in the show. As part of this process, we will need a simple biography for each of the artists from Livessence who wish to participate to send along with the pictures of 3 pieces of your work. As quoted from Sharon McCoubrey the Chariperson for Art Walk”: “The intent is to know about the artists. I think the best approach would be to create a single ‘report’ or bio that lists all of the artists in your group, with a sentence or two about each artist.” I will need your biographies on May 11 at the drawing session when we are doing the Hallway Changeover and are taking pictures of your works to send to Art Walk. I will be taking pictures of 3 of your works to be submitted for the jury process. The pieces do not have to be ones that you are submitting for the show and should not be framed or under glass. Here is a sample Biography. Please keep yours short. Sample Biography for Jaine Buse: Painting from the inside out and feeling the intention is the focus for my creativity. The past 4 years in Kelowna has further allowed me to learn, observe and create images inspired from my travels and people I meet. I have been mostly self taught plus attend ongoing workshops, critique sessions and classes. My art is hanging in client’s homes in numerous cities across North America and Mexico and has been seen in many galleries in the interior of B.C. My “ART JOURNEY” is about paying attention to my purpose and passion while expressing creativity with acrylics and mixed media using the Spontaneous Process. I would appreciate an email reply from you if you plan to put pieces into Art Walk and hence will expect to see you on May 11 at the RCA. I will be there at 9:00 a.m. If you wish to email your bio to me please do. I will also need to know the name of your works, the medium, size and price. Thanks for making our time at ArtWalk 2013 a successful one (once we get notified we are juried in). Jaine Buse Secretary

Important Upcoming Dates: May 11 and June 8

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1. Next Hallway Change Over of Art : Sat. May 11 after Drawing Session 2. Pictures Taken of Art Work for Art Walk: Sat. May 11 after Drawing Session *** Please Note that changes have been made for entry into this years Art Walk, Sept. 7 – 8, 2013 *** This is NOW a juried show You must submit 3 pieces of work (does not need to be the pieces you are submitting for the show) to have pictures taken. Jaine will set up her camera on May 11. If you cannot be at the drawing session please have someone bring your pieces for the photo shots. Our group submission has to be sent into the juried committee by June 1. For each piece please include your Name, Medium, Size, Name of Works and Value 3. Annual General Meeting: Saturday, June 8 12:15 (following Drawing Session) in Boardroom at RCA Lunch provided for members If you have any questions regarding these three dates please email livessence.society@gmail.com or jaine.buse@gmail.com Happy Painting Jaine Buse Secretary

Call to ARTISTS for Sept. 9, 10 and 11, 2011

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Members of Livessence: We are calling you to get ready for the only showing we are doing this year. ArtWalk 2011 Lake Country George Elliot High School Theme: “Eye Tunes: A Rhapsody of Art” We have the same space as last year which means we can accommodate many paintings. We are also having the live models present to do the drawing sessions. The theatre steps will be the platform for the models. Be sure to bring your drawing materials to draw. We will also be providing supplies for attendees. 1. Admission Cost for the Show: $10.00 per painting. You can bring as many pieces as you like. You will be charged a maximum of 3 pieces, $30. Money can be paid when you drop the work off at the school. This fee covers the cost for Livessence to participate in Art Walk. Your work must be dropped off at 6:30 on Friday and picked up at the school on Sunday at 4:30. 2. Deadline for Submissions are Sept. 1. Please send me an e-mail with the details of your name, title, size, medium, and price. Labels will be made for setup. 3. Art submitted must be ready to hang, labeled on the back with the piece’s name and your name, wired and finished edges or framed 4. All sales are subject to 15% paid to Livessence Society 5. Set-up: Friday, Sept. 9 at 5:00 p.m., drop off art at 6:30 6. Take Down: Sunday, Sept. 11 at 5:00 p.m. 7. A volunteer is needed to pick up and return the grids from and to the RCA. 8. We will require volunteers to help set up, take down, host the gallery and drawing sessions. Shifts are as follows: Friday Set Up: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Sat.: Gallery and Drawing Hosts: 10 – noon noon to 2 p.m. 2 – 5 p.m. Sunday: Gallery and Drawing Hosts 10 – noon noon – 2 p.m. 2 – 5 p.m. Take Down: 5 p.m. I look forward to getting your submissions by responding to this address or to my personal email: jaine.buse@gmail.com. It should be a great show, hope to see you all there!! Warm Regards Jaine Buse Art Walk Chairperson 2011

Model training

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Hi to all, just a short note, I have a new male model coming for training next week – I am looking for 4 artists to draw for an hour on Tuesday July 26th noon to 1 pm. This is a training session, and no cost to you. The first four people are in. Please let me know by Friday. Thank you! Julia

Art hall switch

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Hi everyone, just reminding everyone we have our 6 week Art Hall switch friday eve July 22 from 6-9pm as I am am out of town July the 23rd. For those who missed out last time we hope to see you there…Thx again. Kristine

Livessence Experiential Anatomy Workshop

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Hi Everyone We have planned a new and exciting workshop for this fall. As artists who have more than a passing interest in life drawing and painting anything that will help us to hone our skills is a plus. However, it’s one thing to simply observe the model and record what we see and something completely different to be able engage with the model so that we have a felt sense of his/her patterns of holding, moving, breathing and balancing. We might also ask ourselves, what impact our own body awareness will have on our ability to transfer what we see in the model to our mark making? As a functional movement specialist (that’s my day job) I have the opportunity to observe people and how they move on a daily basis and I’m also down on the floor myself learning to sense my own body and how it moves and feels. This has had a tremendous impact on my ability to connect with the model as I draw. It’s been my dream to share what I’ve learned about experiential anatomy with my fellow artists and it’s finally going to happen this fall. I have included an information sheet about the workshop and the registration form. The closing date for registration is August 15th and registration is limited to 13 so if you intend to take the workshop please register early. We are also holding two additional places for models that would like to take the workshop as part of their training. If you have any questions please contact me at sbradshaw@telus.net Cheers, Sandra pdf icon NEW-Experiential-Anatomy-Workshop-Registration-Form.PDF
pdf icon NEW-Information-Sheet-for-Experiential-Anatomy-Workshop.PDF

ART WALK 2011: Call for ARTISTS for Livessence Members

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Dear Figurative ARTISTS!! Just a quick note to give you the heads up!!!! WE NEED YOU and your wonderful works of art. Dates: September 10 and 11, 2011 Location: Lake Country Setup: Friday, Sept. 9 (6:30p.m.) Lake Down: Sunday, Sept. 11 (4:30 p.m.) We would love to have 3 pieces per person as we have lots of space. We also will be featuring a model on site to draw, so would love to have you come by the booth. We also will need volunteers to help set up and take down .Give me call or email if you can help out. Complete details will follow in July. Thanks and if you have any questions please contact me at: jaine.buse@gmail.com or by phone at 250 764 4784 I look forward to meeting and working with you all!!! Jaine Buse Art Walk Exhibition Chairperson Livessence Society Kelowna, BC

Reminder of Annual General Meeting

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Time: Noon (immediately following drawing session) Location: Upstairs meeting room RCA (Lunch provided by Livessence when you renew your membership) Please RSVP by June 3 so we can order lunch for everyone in attendance Please bring a $35 cheque/cash for your membership Jaine Buse Secretary

Executive Meeting Minutes March 2013

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March 29, 2013 11:00 a.m. Bliss Coffee Shop Present: Tina, Tina, Jaine, Julia Absent: Brian, Sharon Follow up from last meeting: 1. Access to bank info on line, Julia and Tina to do 2. Appealed to membership for help: Martha offered 3. Julia to contact Rebekah for Art Show Chairperson: she declined 4. Jaine contacted Lake Country Gallery for show in 2013, they have no spots Membership: 27 members, Joan and Joyce now on list Drawing Sessions/Models: James to model “on trial” (Jaine to speak at AGM about artists response to models when drawing) Financial Report: Sheri is resigning, Tina to get final report from her and all records of business Grid Rentals: Kelowna Opera rented them all for April 7 event Some grids may be needed for the Erotic Art Show in July Hallway Change Over: (needs to be discussed at AGM regarding people changing other peoples works) Next Changeover: May 11 at Sat. Drawing Session New Business: AGM Time: 12:15 (following Drawing Session) Location: Board room 2nd Floor RCA Catered to by Bistro (no charge for members) Change to bylaws to be submitted Nominations for Slate of Officers for 2013-2014 President: Tina Siddiqui Vice President/Website/Models: Julia Trops Sec./Grid rentals/Membership/Art Walk: Jaine Buse Treasurer: Natasha ? Receivables and deposits: Sandra Windsor Member at Large: Tina Schnellert Hallway Change Over: Sharon Fitch Drawing Session Host: Brian/Joyce/Volunteers Present Art WAlk 2013 Sept. 7 – 8, 2013 Theme: It’s About Time Now a Juried Show Require 3 pictures from each artist to be sent to committee by June 1. Pieces do not have to be the pieces that you are submitting for the show. Pieces you do submit for the show cannot be shown in previous years. Hence May 11, following Drawing Session Jaine will take pictures of pieces from artists to be submitted Programs/Education: Colossal.com idea from Julia Tina Siddiqui to look into college student undertaking running it for us Future rental space: Tina Schnellert to look into Botega, University for rental space for future needs Meeting closed 12:20 Respectfully Submitted Jaine Buse Secretary